Mountain Lake Property a Drier Bet than Coastal

Almost 40% of the American population lives in a coastal county. Both residential and commercial real estate along the coast remain in perpetually strong demand, and descriptions of private residences or communities frequently boast their proximity to the ocean. After all, living within walking distance of a sandy beach or stunning cliffs is idyllic and picture perfect, is it not? Not necessarily.
Climate change and an increase in floods in recent years have aroused a growing array of associated property value concerns. The maintenance and structural viability of a building lying within an area of potential flooding are factors worthy of consideration. A rise in water levels, even by just a few inches, can cause worry for any home- or business- owner, and for the communities in which their buildings are located. Basements periodically inundated with water result in a compromised infrastructure, degraded air quality as mildew takes hold, the potential for irreparable damage to personal property, and the distinct possibility of a decrease in property value. Within communities themselves, roads and bridges are frequently impacted, water supplies may become contaminated and a community’s reputation for tourism may also be affected. Despite these considerations, coastal property sales continue to grow in flood-prone areas, although growth is primarily in counties historically free from flooding (information and statistics are available through Attom Dada Solutions).
Quite apart from the threat posed by rising water levels and flooding, the constant buffeting from frequently high winds and highly-erosive, salt-laden air are detrimental both to the upkeep of a home and to its structural viability. Sand storms are yet another concern in some coastal areas, essentially providing an unwanted and detrimental “sand-blasting” of the home, the clouding and scratching of window panes and the erosion of exterior paint and siding. And, inevitably, even without the presence of flooding, heightened humidity in coastal areas means an increase in the growth of molds and mildews. These are the fodder of nightmares both for property maintenance and resale value, but may also adversely affect the health and comfort of residents.
Erosion is also a concern for properties with ocean shoreline. While loss of land is a distinct possibility, especially in areas where seas are frequently high, structures themselves sometimes fall victim to the sea … quite literally!
Yet another factor to consider is the cost of flood insurance, which is generally a separate additional charge, over and above standard homeowners’ insurance. The more prone a home is to flooding, the higher the premiums climb, resulting in greater carrying costs and a decrease in property value.
Typically, a house is the most expensive item an individual will purchase in their lifetime. Serious consideration should therefore be paid not only to its potential to provide a pleasurable and healthy lifestyle for the homeowner, but also for its ongoing value as a financial asset.
There are several online resources for information on a particular home or area. One of these is This free report details various potential hazards, including weather and environmental risks.
Coastal properties, enhanced by the romantic pull of the ocean are certainly compelling, but Mountain/Lake homes are free from the potential discomforts and threats potential in seaside investments, providing the joy of natural surroundings without the worry of flooding, high humidity, sand storms and erosion.