Katharine Hepburn: a true icon of the stage and classic American cinema. With a career that stretched over six decades, Katharine has delighted a large audience and continues to do so to this day. To add an element to your “Kate” compulsion, you can view the exhibit at the Upcountry History Museum of “Katharine Hepburn: Dressed for Stage and Screen”! This display of Katharine’s private collection, which will be available to view through January 14th, 2018, will make its debut here in Greenville, South Carolina. With over 35 costumes worn by the actress herself, this will be the first major costume exhibition for the Upstate!
Alongside the garments are photographs, posters, film stills, and such. This wonderful exhibit not only grandly displays a remarkable actress and fashion icon but also shines light on the best of the best costume designers for that time.
For more information on this event and other exhibits at the Upcountry History Museum, please click here.
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