Bee Well Honey Farm is hosting the Pickens World Honeybee Day Festival on Saturday, August 17th from 8am to 8pm. From start to finish, there will be something for everyone! Live music, local food trucks, various vendors and more will be on site. The Blood Connection will also be holding a blood drive from 10am until 3pm where all donors receive a $10 gift card and a Clemson or Carolina t-shirt!
You have two opportunities to hear keynote speaker Michael Bush, but you must register online for the 10am or 2pm sessions.
Interested in getting more involved? How about taking the SCBA Master Beekeepers Certified Level Practical Exam, administered by the Pickens Beekeeper Association, from 8am to 10am.
Special parking is being provided by Blue Ridge Electric Coop. Click here for more details on the event page of Facebook or click here for the Bee Well website.

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