Justin Winter's Carolina Lake and Mountain Blog

Swamp Rabbits Team Up with The Center for Developmental Services!

Greenville’s Swamp Rabbits and SANDLAPPER Securities, LLC invite the community to attend a special hockey night on Tuesday, January 24th at 7pm to benefit The Center for Developmental Services (CDS)! Five dollars from every $15 ticket sold through the www.cdshockey.com website will go toward helping children with special needs, developmental delays, and disabilities. Additionally, throughout… Read more »

Restaurant Week in Greenville, South Carolina

Ready for the famed Restaurant Week in Greenville, South Carolina? Starting this Thursday, January 12th, you can begin your 11 day celebration of various restaurants of the Upstate! No matter your taste, there are numerous restaurants to please your palate. From good ol’ Southern cuisine to authentic exotic flavors, Restaurant Week has got you covered…. Read more »